Title: The End of an Era: ZK Airdrop and the Rise of Anti-Looting
In the midst of one wave, another rises. The L0 CEO, creator of the “largest witch library in history,” is still immersed in a battle against a group of witches that they cannot escape from. Meanwhile, the birth of the “largest anti-looting” ZK has marked a new era.
A scene of widespread mourning and almost divine wrath unfolds. Why? It is often those we hold the highest expectations for that end up hurting us the most. This paradox is not only true in relationships but also in the world of Web3. The last hope of L2, zkSync, after waiting for four years, only received a cold message stating, “Unfortunately, YOU are not eligible for the airdrop.”
How does one filter out “real users” from a pool of 10 million addresses and 400 million transactions without resorting to witch-hunting? zkSync chose to employ strict mathematical rules in three steps: screening, allocation, and bonuses. The criteria for initial screening to enter the pool were quite lenient, including factors like 10 transactions, involvement in DeFi projects, owning a magic lamp, or making donations. Most “serious” users who meet these criteria could enter the pool.
The allocation phase was the main event and served as the “big filter” that excluded the majority of users. Instead of using industry standards like wallet activity, transaction volume, or number of transactions, zkSync opted for a “funds retention” approach similar to DeFi deposit projects.
While the bonus phase catered to “old OGs,” premium accounts, and dedicated users, the core issue was the exclusion of over 90% of user addresses due to the implementation of rules resembling DeFi projects’ funds retention.
Comparatively, the disparities in distribution, lack of transparency in rules, and reasons for not allowing NanSen to investigate witchcraft all pale in comparison to the main issue: the common people were left hungry while the elite feasted on the spoils.
Looking back at the anti-looting incident, it is evident that the misjudgment of the airdrop rules and the desire for multiple accounts without sufficient funds led to a disastrous outcome for many.
As the era of industrialized farming flourishes, the majority of users who were filtered out by ZK’s airdrop rules would have been considered premium accounts under ARB or STARK’s criteria. However, times have changed, and the rise of industrialized farming, coupled with advanced AI tools like GPT4, has lowered the barriers to mass account creation and interactions, resulting in a significant inflation of accounts and transactions.
This evolution mirrors the industrial revolution where skilled artisans were replaced by machines. Similarly, the era of industrialized farming has arrived, rendering the ability to create multiple accounts obsolete in the face of AI-driven interactions.
While anyone can manipulate data such as daily, weekly, or monthly activity and transaction volume, maintaining a substantial fund retention per account is a challenge that AI cannot overcome. Consequently, the affluent once again benefit, perpetuating the inequality present in Web3, much like in Web2.
In a time of low gas fees and rampant industrialized witchcraft, where do the looters go from here? Web3 continues to evolve, offering lucrative opportunities for those willing to adapt. While airdrops remain a viable option for ordinary individuals to earn their first pot of gold, the landscape has become more challenging due to industry changes and the influx of AI.
The era of mindless looting has ended, ushering in a new age where strategic decision-making is paramount. As the industry becomes more competitive, it is essential to carefully select ecosystems, projects, and interaction methods to maximize returns. The days of blindly following tutorials for quick riches are over; the era of thoughtful decision-making and strategic planning is now at hand.
Web3 still offers ample opportunities for profit, but the path to success has evolved. Embrace the changing times and seize the chance to rewrite your fate in the realm of Web3.